Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Only the Paranoid Survive

Andy Grove published Only the Paranoid Survive in 1996, a year before Clayton Christensen's "The Innovators Dilemma". Reading Grove is a description of what it meant to be inside an Strategic Inflection Point (Disruptions) and survive. His advice for entrepreneurs, managers, and professionals is as current as it was almost 20 years ago. 

Another gold mint in the book is Grove's vision of the future. Now that the future was revealed we can appreciate how Intel leadership prepare and succeed. 20 yrs ago lots of people didn't know what the internet was, the iPhone and the smartphone revolution occurred 10 yrs later and the internet of things is in the making. Yet Grove anticipated how this changes will affect the industry.

Finally Grove offers the same advice to individuals to manage their careers. Like Reid Hoffman's recent concept of "Permanent Beta", Grove anticipated the end of the life long employment and the need to look for "Career Inflection Points" adapting the same rules he followed in Intel