The Relationship Economy is an interesting book, nonetheless a mix of Customer Service ideas and DiJulius Group advertising.
DiJulius highlights the importance of customer relationship in all facets of business; customers, employees, leadership, human interaction in general.
Some ideas worth highlighting are the importance of service as a true differentiation factor. Most vendors of any product or service meet pretty well the requirements of the market, hence what becomes the true loyalty driver is service.
"Customer Loyalty is a result of the multiple micro-experiences a person has with a brand. It reflects the fact that not only is that business consistently brilliant a the basics, but also that it has taught all its employees to be present in the moment at each of its touch points."
Another one is the FORD (Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams) technique as a tool to foster relationships. "FORD represents people's hot buttons, what each individual cares about the most. FORD is what they are passionate about. It is the topics that make them light up."
A corollary of the FORD technique is accepting Kalina Silverman invitation to skip the Small Talk for the Big Talk to connect with anyone.
Some closing remarks worth sharing: "World-class service is not something you do or deliver; it is something that is in you, in all areas of your life".