Monday, June 23, 2014

In defense of Global Capitalism

Johan Norberg's defense of Capitalism is not a new book but brings common sense in times of Thomas Piketty's fifteen minutes of fame. I have not read Piketty yet but all the debate around his work seems to defy evidence of how millions of people are moving out of poverty year after year thanks to practices close to Capitalism than the Marxism that he defends. 

Johan Norberg showed in In Defense of Global Capitalism, over 10 years before Piketty, case after case how solutions based on the respect of private property and classical liberal ideas have improve the lives of people all over the world. Indeed Norberg argues that more could be done if practices like immigration control and imposition of first world practices on third world were stopped. If Developed countries can care for the environment and reduce child labor is because they have achieved greater success, if we want developing countries to do the same we have to pull them quick instead of hold them back with additional burden.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Free to Learn

In Free to Learn, Peter Gray brings another piece to the puzzle of Education. From his anthropological point of view he presents the case of how Play is the natural learning process while school is an institution design to control and alienate children. 

Overall Gray challenges parents to acknowledge that the system is destroying their children and that once the accept that they don´t want this for their children they can't continue supporting the current rotten system. Gray invites parents to try different alternatives, to trust their kids and create an environment that support their creativity and interaction.

I disagree on some contextual elements like his description of the Industrial Revolution. Nonetheless his message raises more questions and avenues to explore and research.

My rating 5 out of 5.