Vinay Kolhatkar novel is set in a near future by the US elections of 2020. A multimillionaire, Frank Kenneth Stein, who decides to fund his own presidential campaign breaking with the traditional parties. Quite the opposite of a Donald Trump who has the money but not the brains, Stein has clear and consistent ideas, thus many time conflicting.
With a complex plot full of obscure characters the novel unfolds the worst crises in history due to the games politicians play. A game that they can't stop without burning themselves and therefor are willing to do whatever to keep the wheel spinning.
The democratic presidential candidate, Olivia Allen is facing as rival the Republican Vice-President Quentin Kirby but soon realizes who the real enemy is.
Olivia Allen is a iconic character; beautiful, successful professionally and socially. It is easy to identify with her honest will to improve the system. Her optimism about working hard and fix what needs to be fixed is appealing. It is easy to feel empathy for her struggle between facing these life challenges and saving her personal life. As many of us, she realizes that the task is paramount because it goes against the stakeholders of the system. Olivia's philosophical transformation is encouraging, a hope that if people decide to think and not just hope the system may change.
The Frankenstein Candidate is a work of fiction but also a believable future. If the political system doesn't overhauls itself, which is very improbable, the size of the next crisis can be unthinkable. With the size of national and local debts, the level of monetary emission, the choking regulatory framework, and the irrational obsession with climate change, the future of a world is not shinny. Can the system be changed from within or the chances are nil leaving the only hope on a third contender with clear ideas and the pockets to compete.
Frank Stein campaigns around the ten commandment of government; "honesty, forbearance, temperance, respect, integrity, kinship, courage, justice, dignity and humanity". This could be a model to measure how good or bad is a proposal since most of the politician promises fail on several of them. Overall these commandments are just traits of humanity.
Nice novel for the times. Now that we have elections in different parts of the world and many are about choosing the least bad.
My rating 4 stars